Birmingham Bangla Mela 2022 

Even though the British Bangladeshis are less than 1% of the total UK population, we can be very proud of our socioeconomic contribution and our cultural heritage. The Bangla Cultural Events, therefore, provides a unique platform to connect, contribute and communicate our progression and the vision with the wider society. We are confident that through these events our contributions in terms of the diverse culture, multiculturalism, and arts in British society are appreciated. The Bangladeshi Regeneration Council therefore proudly support the organisations of various cultural programmes and so far have successfullly engaged and entertained over 150,000 Bangladeshis through various cultural events.

Birmingham Pita Mela 2021 

​The Bangladeshi Regeneration Council ​

​By 2030 the Bangladeshi community should no longer be regarded as one of the most disadvantaged ethnic groups in England and Wales.

Birmingham Pita Mela 2018 

Birmingham Bangla Mela 2016 

Birmingham Pita Mela Gala 2021