​The Bangladeshi Regeneration Council ​

The strength of this initiative is that it comes from within the Bangladeshi community itself and it will have a national remit which can bring together the Bangladeshi community across the country. As a community regeneration organisation, it will be able to speak on behalf of the wider community at a national level. This is an exciting proposal that can provide a critical role in the future regeneration of Bangladeshi communities and I look forward to watching the initiative grow and develop over the next few years". [Dr Mike Beazley is a senior lecturer at the Centre for Urban & Regional Studies, University of Birmingham].

Research and Development

​​​​​​​A deep understanding of the Bangladeshi community living in England & Wales is an essential starting point to plan new, meaningful and sustainable community services. The BRC believes that community research gives the community an important voice and an opportunity to influence and enable the community to become creators instead of just consumers of services. ​

We are therefore committed to undertaking a National Reseach Programme that will lead to a national strategy on ‘Vision 2030 - the Regeneration of the Bangladeshi Community in England & Wales’. Our research involves questionnaires, focus group meetings and interviews with Bangladeshis of all ages and will be guided by the 2021 Census information. It will obtain a general sense of individual and family life, problems, and aspirations of the community and identify innovative and entrepreneurial ways in which they can be addressed more effectively at a regional and national level.

This research is innovative because the subject of socioeconomic development of the Bangladeshi community nationally, in its complexity and entirety, has been under-researched and under-considered. We hope that the existence of a large amount of positive energy among the Bangladeshi community emerge from this study which will be directed and used for new and improved service development. This strategic report will become an important agent of transformation from within as it will contain the wishes of the community. 

​By 2030 the Bangladeshi community should no longer be regarded as one of the most disadvantaged ethnic groups in England and Wales.

5000+ Bangladeshi Residents engaged with the National Research Programme since 2016.

"​I have had a long standing interest in community led regeneration. I strongly believe that the setting up of the Bangladeshi Regeneration Council in England and Wales is a very positive initiative. It has the potential to contribute to the much needed improvements to the quality of life for the Bangladeshi community. The gathering of data and the establishment of a series of national networks can help to deepen the understanding and increase the awareness of the problems facing the Bangladeshi community. It can also help to identify new and innovative ways in which these problems can be tackled more effectively.