​​However, despite some notable successes within the community, Bangladeshis have the highest overall relative poverty rate of any ethnic group in the UK with 51% of Bangladeshis living in low income households. Within the past four decades, the community has been faced with  poor employment prospects and poor health/living conditions compared to all other ethnic groups.

Key Challenges

According to Casey Report 2016, the Bangladeshi community lives through challenges including;

  • 28% of Bangladeshi population live in most deprived 10% of communities
  • 51% on low income if head of household is Bangladeshi
  • 57% of 16-64 women are inactive...compared with 25.2% White & 38.5% of others.
  • 99% live in an urban area mainly London, Birmingham and Manchester
  • Lower mobility than White groups
  • 3 times more likely to be unemployed than White population
  • Twice level of reported prejudice at interviews compared with White interviewees
  • Highest tax credit households (with Pakistani community)
  • Lowest levels of English language proficiency
  • Ethnic group most likely not to have used the internet (10.7%)
  • 43.8% women not speak English well (Men 19.6%%)
  • 50% of children are in schools with a majority of minority ethnic groups.


A disproportionate number of Bangladeshis living in England & Wales are experiencing high rates of deprivation and continue to fare worse on a number of key indicators compared to all others. For far too long the Bangladeshi Community has been regarded as one of the most socially & economically disadvantaged ethnic groups in the UK.

To tackle this generational deprivation, we have introduced the Bangladeshi Regeneration Council which is founded on the fact that the Bangladeshi community is a rich source of entrepreneurship and talent and coming together to work on the things that matter to them is a key way of unlocking potential and progress. 

​​Our Vision

By 2030 the Bangladeshi community should no longer be regarded as one of the most disadvantaged ethnic groups in England & Wales.


Enthuse, engage and empower the Bangladeshi diaspora; build the skills and competencies of the Bangladeshi community sector; and co-design community programmes that will address deprivations related to isolation, income, employment, health, education & skills as well as the promotion of Bangladeshi heritage and culture.


The 2011 Census recorded nearly half-a-million Bangladeshis forming one of the UK's largest group of people of overseas descent and are also one of the country's youngest and fastest growing communities. Annually, the British Bangladeshi Power & Inspiration celebrates the work of leading British Bangladeshi figures who are helping shape Britain for the better with their ideas, example, talent and success.

Anam Choudhury (Founder) 

Saidur Mir (Investor) 

Mazher Hussain (Advisor) 

​The Bangladeshi Regeneration Council ​

​By 2030 the Bangladeshi community should no longer be regarded as one of the most disadvantaged ethnic groups in England and Wales.

Meghna Uddin (Advisor) 

  • What we stand for: Eradication of socioeconomic deprivation suffered by the Bangladeshi community across England and Wales. 


  • What we do: Through community led regeneration we empower leadership, build the capcity of community organisations, undertake research and co-design innovative community programmes. 

  • Why we do it: The Bangladeshi community is one of the most deprived in comparison to all other communities in England & Wales.

  • Where we do it: We aim to reach out and deliver our support services to the Bangladeshi community across England & Wales especially in areas of high socioeconomic deprivation.

  • Who we are: We are the only Bangladeshi Community Organisation with a national remit to regenerate the Bangladeshi community across England & Wales.

  • Current Focus:  Vision 2030 Talk Show, National Regeneration Strategy (Research and Development), Community Leadership, Community Sector Capacity Building, Heritage and Culture.